Planzt mat!

Forestry projects

For future generations, let's fund tree plantations to replace spruce trees ravaged by bark beetles.

Supported by the Luxemburger Wort and its readers, "Planzt mat!" is a collective action to reforest former spruce clearcuts at Surré in the commune of Boulaide. Over an area of 10 hectares, a species-rich mixed forest is set to emerge, able to cope with changing climatic conditions. Help the Foundation preserve the Oesling forest landscape for future generations. For as little as €100, you can become a sponsor of a 100 m² plot with 25 trees of different species. #PlanztMat

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All our projects :
Preserving the wildcat's habitat
Planzt mat!
Mussel breeding station
Syr partnership
Water Discovery Center
Lycaena Helle
LIFE Bats & Birds
Arnica montana
International project
Solitary tree
Wild fruit tree
Orchard fruit tree
Forest tree