The LIFE Bats & Birds project aims to improve the habitat and food supply for 6 threatened species. These are 4 species of bird (shrike, red-backed shrike, little owl and ant-torcola) and 2 species of bat (great rhinolophus and common pipistrelle). All these species depend on a landscape rich in structures and insects.
In recent decades, the landscape has been increasingly intensively exploited, and structures such as hedgerows, orchards and solitary trees have often disappeared. To improve conditions, the project will replant these structures and maintain them where they are in poor condition. Habitats will thus be enhanced and better connected, enabling species to move more easily from one habitat to another. Increased pesticide use and excessive fertilization are impoverishing the agricultural landscape; flowering plants and insects are disappearing from fields and meadows, and only a few species still find a home there. Meadows are also increasingly being converted to crops, leading to the disappearance of other habitats.